Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I Finally Got a Dog!

As many of you may know, I, who have collected a herd of cats over the years have finally found my best friend. His name is Petey, or as my SO and I call him, Snorky. He's a Japanese Chin rescue dog from Furbaby Rescue in Bellingham. He's still a pup and a bundle of energy and lots' of fun, fun, fun. I have him profiled in Dogster.com. Now, I'll have to felt him his own little dog coat and I mean little as he is only 5 pounds!

Petey has developed a love of chasing squirrels and will scout the tops of trees in specific locations on our walks where squirrels have been last seen. They've been raiding the wilted sunflowers outside our front window and he has been going nuts watching them! He's about as big as they are, but doesn't know it. So the cats get a bit of a reprieve while the squirrels gather their nuts for the winter as he is very distracted.